Wednesday 22 February 2012

First things first...
I am Binu Joy, a Radiologist at St John's Medical College Hospital, Bangalore and an alumnus of  '89 vintage. Let me admit, I am a bit technologically challenged and somewhat allergic to the worldwide web and social networks.That said, the reason I am blogging is because I believe I can introduce you to an amazing group of people who work in the outreaches of our country doing wonderful medical and social work. The only attribute I share with them is that, like them, I trained in the same medical school and perhaps value some of the same ideals.
These doctors work in the villages and towns of India taking healthcare to the neglected and marginalized, transforming lives, communities and as we will see, generations.
Some of these doctors work in large hospitals in India and abroad but take their expertise to help out their compatriots in the remote areas.
Then there are some who may not be from St John's by training but strongly identify with the same philosophy and are closely affiliated to the Institute.
So, why me and why now?
St John's Medical College turns 50  in 2013, and a substantial number of its students, predominantly (but not only) sister doctors work in the outreaches giving the Institute its special standing and profile. Just like a lot of you who voice pride in their work, I too have spoken about the need to do more for them. Fortunately, time, opportunity (and inclination) permits me to devote my energies in doing my bit.
Its been very heartening that , at the Institute, both the Executives as well as alumni strongly identify with the project of identifying, locating, documenting and finally meaningfully helping our outreach alumni.
Towards this, a 'needs assessment' questionnaire was sent out 2 months back to about 200 of our doctors who could be tracked. This is now followed by visits-I will try and bring you vignettes from these over the next 3 months.
Over this time , I will share with you the work and lives of some of our best. Owing to time and logistical constraints, it is not possible to visit everyone. Hopefully,I can make an adequate representation of their cumulative work and the different milieu they work in. This can then be the nidus to build our larger goal of reaching out to all of them.
The contentious points and views which might come up are my responsibility alone.I apologize for the lapses which will invariably creep in.
For Johnites at large, hopefully this will augment the wonderful work of the Alumni chapters , Carol D'Souza, Sachin D'Souza,and the various class group leads in keeping the Family together.
Be back soon.... Binu


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great start Binu. Wonderful. Sorry I had to delete my first comment...didn't realise that I'd be referenced with my web-name. I don't think there is an option.
    I was saying in that comment that I am sure you know there are Johnites who have been working for years in rural areas closer home...Tharabanahalli, Solur, Mallur and Carmelaram to name a few. I will be happy to drive you down to these places on mutually convenient days.
    All the very best!

  3. The web name is great.THANKS FOR THE OFFER. I will take you up on that. In fact, for many of these centres, some of you have already been working with and helping them.It is only apt that , for such centres,the person associated closely is involved in profiling the place. The account will also be that much more personal.

  4. Good to see the blog finally up sir!!! Waiting to see more of it eagerly!!!

    1. Thanks, Joel.Also wanted to thank you for offering to travel with me all those months back. Keep the faith

  5. Binu, Admire the great work you are doing. Finally some recognition for the unsung heroes.

    1. Raly, wonderful to hear from you.Thanks.
      It would also be great if different people profiled Johnites personally known to them and their work.

  6. All the best and kudos to you for taking this task up and devoting personal time to this cause.Will be following this blog closely.

  7. great task ahead.going to be a lovely blog. dominic

    1. Thanks for all the encouragement and ideas from the beginning.

  8. Great Job Style bhai, will be following you on your journey thru my e-mail. btk

  9. Well done Binu ! Very impressive indeed. These ' unsung heroes ' deserves all the support that they can get .

  10. Very nice start Dr Binu....I hope the journey gets even more interesting. I've felt that the exercise of blogging itself helps "doctors" become more expressive! I'm sure you're enjoying this aspect too.

  11. Great work, Binu. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Pictures from archives are particularly interesting. Keep going!

    Amal Isaiah

    1. Thanks, Amal. Just back from traveling for a 100 kms on our very own Madhya Pradesh 'autobahns'. Loosely translated from Malayalam, it feels like the number of bones have increased.The experiences sure make up for all the discomforts.

  12. Dear Binu.....fantastic job! Really proud of what you are doing.......
