Friday 30 March 2012

Our Lady of Graces Hospital, Sardhana, Uttar Pradesh

Our Lady of Graces Hospital, Sardhana, Uttar Pradesh

The Old and the New- 120 years apart

The legendary Pilgrim Centre and Church

About 30 kms from Meerut town is the historic town of Sardhana *. Despite the efforts of missionaries over the last century in education and healthcare, the community and its neighbouring villages steadfastedly stays feudal in its approach, especially  to women and children.


Always the sunny disposition
The sisters of the Fransiscan congregation here have been running the health facility here for the last three decades. A significant part in the development of healthcare here, especially in maternal and childcare can be credited to Dr Sr Liza (Batch of ’83). Working with this community for the last 22 years, Sr Liza has developed what was essentially a dispensary in the 80s to a full-fledged Hospital.

The only Sister Doctor in her congregation, the onus of the entire clinical work has been on her in all these years. Carrying patients requiring surgery to Meerut town through desolate terrain on vehicles, braving breakdowns and bandits, in the initial days, she has now managed to get a well-equipped OT system constructed at her Hospital. She cites strong support from her superior and administrator as the reason for recent improvements.


Pictures of 'Baby Nikky'- A 750 gms baby delivered and nursed to health at this centre
(from Sr Liza's cell phone)

Among the Johnites, she is especially appreciative of Nirmal Bernadette Kumar, who has been helping her with resources over the last many years. She is also proud of the venture started by her classmates ( The Batch of 1983 instituted in 2010 at their reunion) to contribute to the needs of the doctors in remote areas.

         Visit by the Principal Dr Alfred Mascarenhas, 1991(Archives)

Kashmir 1998- Earthquake relief(Archives)

(Through this blog, I will also try to acknowledge the efforts of the doctors both in India and overseas who give their time and resources supporting these worthy causes. Please write in mentioning more of these Johnites and doctors/ philanthropes supporting them)

*for the history buffs,do check Sardhana and Begum Sumroo on the net.


  1. Truly remarkable and inspiring stories Binu. I hope you are keeping detailed accounts of your visits. You have to publish these stories in the form of a book. I am sure you will have no shortage of takers.

    1. Thanks, man.We have much to do with the material- primarily creating a document in their honour. My hope is that more of these stories can be collected by different people- very gratifying to hear that Randall and Murtuza sent in some material from Sitlingi.

  2. Jai yeshu ki se.ji .IWant to talk with you.i am searching your phone number.but IDid not get found your no.
    Related my wife pregnancy problem.catechist from the Meerut dioseace.please call me.thank you

  3. Remarkable work done I am a palliative care physician from Delhi and wish to reach out

  4. Recently was at Saint John's medical college for bioethics conference Wonderful
